
Participating Partners

PCTS is a network of companies which face PFAS-related challenges in their respective fields. The objectives of PCTS are to:

  • Become the primary point of contact for clients facing issues regarding PFAS contamination in soil, water and firefighting infrastructure;
  • Provide solutions and share the most up-to-date data on advancing PFAS cleaning and treatment technologies and regulations;
  • Drive change and adaption across a range of industries, surrounding PFAS treatment and cleaning; and
  • Become a focal point for networking and sharing of knowledge, ideas and challenges faced across varying industries.
Want to know more? Click here.

Reference projects

Here you can find several projects executed by members of PFAS Cleaning and Treatment Solutions.

Want to know more? Click here.

Soil Treatment

In 2019, the Dutch economy was severely impacted by, amongst others, a new legislation regarding PFAS. The reuse, disposal or treatment of PFAS-contaminated soil came to an almost complete halt and affected numerous redevelopment projects. In 2020, the Adapted Temporary Action Framework (ATAF), a temporary legislation, was introduced to provide clarification surrounding the reuse of PFAS-contaminated soil.

The presence of PFAS in soil and groundwater has also affected the economy of other European countries. In most countries, there has been a growing concern surrounding the practicality of PFAS-contaminated soil disposal, reuse or treatment. In particular, removing and eventually disposing soil contaminated with PFAS to a landfill is becoming increasingly expensive and exposes companies to long-term liabilities.

The treatment of PFAS-contaminated soil includes off-site soil washing or thermal treatment and on-site soil stabilization or containment.  

See the solutions PCTS has to offer to you.

Want to know more? Click here.

Water Treatment

The broad commercial use of PFAS compounds, in addition to their high mobility and persistence in nature, has led to growing concerns within government bodies, particularly surrounding the negative health effects of PFAS-impacted surface waters and groundwaters. PFOS, PFOA and Gen-X are all classified as Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC), which means that using and discharging these substances to the environment should be limited as much as possible. As a result of stricter regulations, companies are required to either analyze or manage any potential future releases of PFAS into the environment. It is important that any potential PFAS-containing waste streams are identified and managed in accordance with the current guidance.

Here, we will show you what our capabilities are in the area of groundwater and wastewater treatment. 

Want to know more? Click here.

Foam Transition

Aqueous Film Forming Foams (AFFF) and Fluoroprotein Foams (FP) contain PFAS and have been used for over 60 years, primarily at oil terminals and refineries, military sites, fire training facilities, airports and mass fuel storage sites. They were also designed to extinguish Class B liquid hydrocarbon fires.

Additionally, these foams were used in mobile and static fire suppression systems. Due to scientific advances and increasing environmental public and regulatory concerns, there is growing pressure across multiple sectors to transition from PFAS foams to a Fluorine Free Foams (F3) or ‘Smart Foam’. Transitioning from a PFAS foam to an F3 foam is not as simple as ‘one out, one in’. To avoid recontamination of the new F3 foam, transitioning requires thorough cleaning of the fire suppression system. Industrial cleaning of pipes and tanks with water, steam and/or detergent fails to clean the fire suppression system of residual PFAS build up. Arcadis and Kenbri have developed a detailed foam transition and cleaning strategy, adopting an Arcadis-made solvent that enables the successful cleaning of fire suppression systems.

Want to know more? Click here.

Research and Development

For over a decade, Arcadis has been the frontrunner in the development of expertise and treatment technologies for PFAS. With its extensive experience, Arcadis developed in-depth knowledge and strong collaboration with clients, regulators and experts, which provided a foundation for successful and innovative research and development.

Want to know more? Click here.

Sludge processing

The presence of PFAS in wastewater sludge is a growing concern for companies. The cost of disposing sludge contaminated with PFAS is becoming more difficult and more costly. Arcadis is researching how costs can be lowered at the source by reducing sludge production and providing more effective treatment solutions.

Want to know more? Click here.